Does the following situation sound familiar? The next program is already set, the next wave of reorganization is starting up, direct management is changing again, you have to repeat yourself for what feels like the millionth time but nobody’s listening, everyone carries on just as before, you get the feeling that no matter what you try, everything will stay the same and yet you and your team trudge on every day… and the result is just that you feel tired and burnt out.
Then you have the next motivational event, and everyone bleats, “yeah, great, keep up the good work”. Anyone that doesn’t seem to be getting involved in this situation is confronted with fear, guilt and/or pressure in the worst case scenario: “Don’t you want to contribute to our success?”
If everything carries on marching to the same beat, the rift between reality and the official position getting ever larger but nobody – including top management – is really changing anything, then you’re constantly left swimming upstream and you might find yourself saying, “this is crazy”.

This phrase, especially when it frequently crops up in unofficial conversations within an organization, tends to be the final stage of a development that has taken months or even years. When it comes to short processes and developments, the crazy tends to arise in programs or the results of programs. Things really get “crazy” when one program immediately cancels out another but each time comes with an announcement that the set targets were unable to be achieved in full or at all, or to use currently popular jargon: ambitious targets become even more ambitious targets, and when the discrepancy between target and reality continues to grow, the targets can get especially impressively ambitious.
Your own powerlessness and these overwhelming surroundings make it harder to go to work every day. In the last stage of this development, things can seem desperate, like it’s almost impossible to escape. This is the negative peak.
In these situations, a psychiatrist would probably say that treatment wouldn’t be possible without antipsychotics or antidepressants. This means that we first have to make it back into the zone where treatment is possible.
In principle, there are two main options for you:
Put the following well-known statement into practice: love it – change it – or leave it.
Start by breaking the pattern yourself and follow the golden rule: “work with the crazy, not against it!”