Austrian author Ernst Ferstl once said something beautiful that often springs to mind when I speak to people in the middle of a transformation: “Time we take for ourselves is time that gives us something in return.” Often enough, you will come across people that...
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” This quote by Albert Einstein really sums up what has to be done if you want to initiate a change process. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a period of growth or reorganization, any...
In Blog 14, we discussed that, unlike German insolvency law for example, what goes on within larger organizations often lacks hard figures and criteria that would result in transparent, stringent and thorough actions as a consequence. Are the inner workings of...
Sound familiar? A project is due to begin and the conversation turns to who should take on which “project role”. And then you’re in the middle of that classic process, moving roles around and approaching the usual suspects. If the project or program is a career maker,...