Do you strive for perfection? “Perfect” is sometimes heard in conversations. It is generally an expression about something that has worked very well. But is perfection really an aim to strive for?
Time and again we see how striving for something perfect can get out of hand. Why? Because it is noticeable how much it more resembles a situation that could generally be compared with putting your “head” through the wall. So: The whole thing becomes tangled, because nobody can free themselves from a goal or wishful thinking that is basically not (really) achievable. It can become critical if a person has the perfect idea in their mind for a goal and/or process. Whole teams must fit in with this and even well-meaning critical questioning is no longer allowed or attracts huge displeasure and anger.
Have you ever allowed yourself to be completely imperfect (including in your profession)? To simply let go of what feels like thousands of e-mails, particularly those with the really long cc distributor lists? To for once not design the thousandth PowerPoint with lots of pictures and statements that also have prosperity at certain times in an organization’s life? Or even sometimes fully removing yourself from the whole jumbled mess of meetings and the like to just put up your feet and ponder about what is really the next most important thing?
Time and again it becomes clear among professional sportspeople what perfection can trigger. If too much is expected and the body has already sent out signals which are ignored, then striving for perfection can even lead to breakdown, because body parts can no longer keep up or a person is even afflicted by “burn out” or a “mental block”.

Winning a championship or becoming a champion in a discipline, a field or even a business has nothing to do with perfection, in our experience. Rather it starts with an inner attitude in which an inner knowledge comes about that it is a human desire for life to be perfect. Dissatisfaction and resentment result from false expectations of ourselves and our environment. Life is not perfect. Everything is in constant flux, even when it appears that there is stability. Stability is just a momentary consideration, because energies and force fields create the apparently stable moment. In fact, the smallest changes can put something new into motion again, at first inconspicuously. Therefore, a championship is fundamentally a permanent and persistent movement around the many imperfections, current conditions or better snapshots and the layout of the force fields for this.
What drives us to strive to win a championship? Willpower? Motivation? In our opinion, it is two attributes that still stand before the primary core of everything. That is why there is an unconditional love for a subject, a business, a type of sport or other things. It helps to jump the many hurdles, summon patience, be persistent, and consistently follow this distinct inner call. Not to allow yourself to be deterred from it – i.e. believing in yourself 100% and still also allowing self-doubt that critically questions whether what you are doing or not doing at the moment is really proper and correct.
Do you want to strive to be a champion?
©Jacob Lund