‘12 THEORIES ABOUT MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL AGE- what management 4.0 should be capable of’ is an article¹ that describes 12 issues for the management of today. It contains interesting ideas that concisely encompass some aspects of management. As a manager, do you also wonder why a new manager is suddenly required under the label of digitalization?
Current projects and programs on digital subjects give you the feeling that the whole world needs to be reinvented. If you slow down for a minute and look more closely, a different picture emerges. In fact we’ve been on this path for many years. And finally something has happened: attention has grown considerably under this label. Huge pressure has built up in the organization’s transformation projects for digitalization. You can’t delay or you’ll miss the boat. Current reports that the maturity of Germany’s digitalization is in the mid-range, intensify this pressure.
During the processes of design, implementation or review we are called into organizations for digitalization issues. It’s just like with all other transformation programs. The effective and efficient introduction and integration of new developments, issues or technologies doesn’t fail because of specialist expertise. This is expressed in the above-mentioned short thesis paper about ‘digital management’.
Many symptoms of problems are caused by interpersonal issues. Different interests, emotions, patterns of behavior or even worries (which can never be called that) have played/play and will continue to play a big part.
Has management changed in recent years? Yes! And that’s a good thing too. Every generation has new challenges and gets the opportunity to prove themselves anew. But there are stable parameters that are decisive factors in every form of organization, in every new wave and in all new subjects. In particular, these are:
Trust: you have nothing without trust
Faith: faith can move mountains
Will: healthy will comes from passion
Authenticity: know who you are and what you stand for
Quality: in the long term quality always wins th rough (in whatever area)
Model: do as you expect others to do
As you can see, these principles have nothing to do with the perennial new modern management cultures. They are qualities that have always characterized managers: irrespective of when new visions and developments are implemented in the new world. And there have always been countercurrents and obstacles.
In all situations it’s shown that it’s crucial to always keep site of the basic virtues of human interaction. They are cornerstones and should be your focus irrespective of what subject or what new management principles should be adopted in the organization. And finally there is one more very important component:
‘To move people you have to appeal to their heart and soul. And then to their mind…’

© Coloures-Pic
¹ siehe (http://app.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/theshift/zwoelf-thesen-zur-fuehrung-im-digitalen-zeitalter-was-die-fuehrungskraft-4-0-drauf-haben-sollte/20020492.html?xing_share=news).