To start this blog, I would like to begin with an important clarification of what “reality” means in the official definition of the “Duden” (German Dictionary). According to this explanation, it is about a) truth, b) real way of being, and c) actual...
As change managers we (inevitably) have to deal with cultural, group dynamic and personal behavior patterns again and again. This is usually also clear to many in the organizations and companies. What is only very, very rarely or not at all taken into consideration...
In the course of our socialization period, even in organizations, we are constantly being told how important the team is, how essential collaboration is, how crucial the needs of the company or organization are, and that we must always adapt and change. In everyday...
Who isn’t familiar with this: You want to change something in the team or company and discuss it in a large group first, and you hear sentences such as: v “We can’t afford that.” v “We can’t do that because then ... will happen.” v “We’ll never get that past the...
A few years ago, I visited an event that was organized by the local university together with a project management association. An economics professor and his doctoral student presented a self-designed tool that was intended to simplify the anonymous evaluation of...
As modern humans, we have spent the last decades living with unbelievable technological progress. Do you also sometimes think that, despite these leaps in development, humanity at its heart has not really developed? Particularly considering the recurrent military...
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