Do you know the feeling: You have a conversation for the umpteenth time about the more or less fatal silos that dominate a company or organization? This concerns limiting areas that, in the best case, have a limited promotional effect and, in the worst case, are so...
If you’ve spent some time in a US high school, or if you enjoyed watching high school movies as a teenager, you’ll know that these institutions invest a lot of time and money into creating a WE feeling: For example, students arrive to every major campus event in...
Every year, usually in March, we have an Equal Pay Day, and ideally, the public debate centers for a few days on how and why women still do not have equal rights and, for example, earn considerably less than men. Unfortunately, there are still voices (mostly from men)...
We often hear that more motivation is needed. Dissatisfaction rules, because it seems as if the same thing happens over and over again. The umpteenth reorganization, the umpteenth performance optimization, the umpteenth… If you look for your personal thing, it’s...
Do you strive for perfection? “Perfect” is sometimes heard in conversations. It is generally an expression about something that has worked very well. But is perfection really an aim to strive for? Time and again we see how striving for something perfect can get out of...
Imagine the following situation: You are in the stone age with the “hunter gatherers”. You have a safe cave, and even fire already, the hunting grounds are still OK, even if things are not as they once were. Berries and fruit also grow here, however a fire has...
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