Several years ago now, a manager said to me: “…culture is just a question of time and money. There is a foundation behind our company that has previously excluded certain sectors from our services, for example armies and weapons companies. Now that we have major...
In private and professional life, there are certain topics that could fill countless books without the issue ever being put to rest. Letting go in general or from someone/something specific is one such issue. You might be asking yourself what this has to do with...
It’s crazy really. People just run headfirst into new projects, transformations or change in general, and want to redesign the whole world. Kick-offs are planned and carried out, new targets often established right away or seemingly impossible schedules set, and you...
Austrian author Ernst Ferstl once said something beautiful that often springs to mind when I speak to people in the middle of a transformation: “Time we take for ourselves is time that gives us something in return.” Often enough, you will come across people that...
At this point, I’d like to out myself as a passionate reader that normally differentiates between two types of books. On one hand, there are novels that are for entertainment and that you can usually devour within 2-3 days (especially on vacation). They’re usually...
“Groundhog Day”, I think when the same discussion reemerges in a company after being dormant for almost 1.5 years. Of course, it’s not really daily. But déjà-vu nevertheless. This issue is a recurrent conflict and emotive discussion about who should be addressed...
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